Coconut oil: Virgin coconut oil extracted in Woodpressed form is very healthy.
Rich in Vitamin E attracts skin care properties
Used in salads gives good taste and helps in reducing Hormonal imbalances
If included in an appropriate way reduced bad cholesterol and maintains health
Tastes good when used in regular cooking too and is comfortably used in daily cooking routines
Therapeutic properties helps maintains good skin, hair and weight.
Sesame oil: Omega3:Omega6 ratio is very important to predict the healthy aspects of an oil
This is one of its kind which is available to make our lives healthy
It Omega 3 ratio helps reduce cholesterol and maintain good lipid profile
Its anti- inflammatory properties helps reduce inflammation
Anti-proliferating effect prevents cancer
And thus is also a heart healthy oil which can be used in rotation process for cooking.
Groundnut oil: This is an oil with high smoking point and its ancestral use made it popular in almost all the recipes
Note: Peanut allergys if present, better to avoid Wood pressed coconut oil as the allergens are not totally removed
Best used for all other recipes for frying and regular cooking too
Aromatic oil which has good cooking properties is best used for daily cooking and in rotation.
Almond oil: Almond Oil's rich levels of Vitamin E, which can help repair the collagen layer of skin.
Its wood extraction method is very useful as its not heated while extraxting oil hence resulting no nutrition loss
Reverses ageing
It helps in brain health, hair growth, reduces cholesterol and maintain good health
This particular oil can be used in varied forms unlike regular cooking only
It can be used as an aroma enhancer of salads which is a great way to eat healthy and fresh salads with good aroma
Used in confectionaries giving it a non flavour used aroma (no essence flavour)
Omega3 ratio is unbelievably good. Hence can be used in wide variety but in countable amounts as it is a form of fat too which have healthy effects.
NOTE: Any oil has to be changed every month or used in a mixture of 2-3 types of oils to get good results and to stay healthy. Use the above information and try Rotation process of oils see the difference and do for further more details or assistance do contact us.